
School Terms of Use

当スクール予約システムのご利用にあたりましては、必ず下記の利用規定および個人情報の取扱いをご覧ください。 なお、お申込みいただきました場合は、既読・未読の如何に関わらず下記に同意いただけたものとします。















■振込指定口座 1
銀行名:八十二銀行 白馬支店
■振込指定口座 2 銀行名:ゆうちょ銀行 口座名義:白馬八方尾根スキースクール 他銀行から振り込みの場合 店名:118 店番:118 口座番号:1584598 ゆうちょ銀行から振り込みの場合 11150-15845981




ご注文を送信後に、コンビニ決済の支払い画面へ進みお手続き下さい。 ご入金確認後に予約確定となります。


当校は、全従業者(役員、派遣スタッフ、アルバイト等を含む)が、 個人情報保護に関する法令やその他規範を遵守徹底し、個人情報保護に努めます。


当校は、個人情報を適正な方法によって取得し、あらかじめ明確に特定した利用目的の範囲内で利用します。 また、ご本人の同意あるとき、または法令の定める要件を満たしているときを除いて、第三者への情報の提供は行いません。


当校は、個人情報の管理には細心の注意を払い、不正アクセス、漏えい、滅失及び改ざん等を防止するために必要かつ適切な措置を講じます。 また、従業者に対しては適切な教育を行い、知識や意識の向上を図り、個人情報の取扱いを外部に委託する場合は、委託先を審査し、必要かつ適切な監督を行います。


当校が保有する個人データについて、ご本人から開示、訂正、及び利用停止を求められた場合は、下記窓口にて迅速な対応に努めます。 法令等の定めに従って、求めに応じないこととするときは、その理由を説明することといたします。




当校は、個人情報保護に関する取組みの継続的改善に努めます。 したがって、この保護方針が予告なく変更されることがあります。


お客様の個人情報の開示・訂正、追加又は削除は、お客様ご自身で下記担当までご連絡ください。 ご本人様によるものか確認できた場合にのみ対応いたします。 また、個人情報に関する要望・お問い合わせ、当校のプライバシーポリシーに関するお問い合わせは、下記担当者までご連絡ください。



校長 太谷 祐介


電話番号 0261-72-2126 FAX番号 0261-72-6659 Eメール info@happo-ski.info


予約代金以外の必要料金 振込による振込み手数料はご負担ください。

申込の有効期限 各レッスンの3日前まで

1 銀行振込
2 郵便振替

お支払い期限 申込後7日以内かつレッスン開始日より3日前までにお支払いください。 お申込から7日以内又は、レッスン開始3日前までにお支払いのない場合は、キャンセルとさせていただきます。

キャンセル条件 レッスンのキャンセルについては、レッスン開催日の前日を1日前と数え、下記の通り取扱いさせていただきます
1 開催3日前までのキャンセル⇒諸手数料を差し引いた金額をご返金します。
2 開催2日前以降前日までのキャンセル⇒金額の50%をご返金します。
3 開催当日のキャンセル⇒全額を頂き、ご返金いたしません。 レッスン開催日当日の欠席は当日キャンセルとさせていただきます。 レッスン当日の天候不良、天災地変によるキャンセルは例外として全額をご返金いたします。
Before using this school reservation system, please be sure to read the following usage rules and handling of personal information. If you have applied, I agree to the following regardless of whether it has been read or unread.

Terms of use

While we are taking emergency measures in accidents during the course, we are not responsible for anything else.
Refund due to customer’s convenience, course change is not available.

《Cancellation charge provision concerning the cancellation of a lesson due to customer’s circumstances》

Reservation~7 days in advance 0% 3 days in advance 50% 1 days in advance 100% On the day 100%

※On the day, in case of cancellation or cancellation of lesson due to bad weather, cancellation or cancellation due to cancellation or cancellation of the lesson due to the running situation of the slope, or cancellation or cancellation due to the reason of the public transportation situation, the above fee will not be applied and will be refunded in full amount. * In case of cancellation due to customer’s convenience, we will deduct the transfer fee.
※If you do not come by 15 minutes before the first day start time we will treat it as a lesson cancellation. Guests booking on the web should come to the school reception counter at least 15 minutes before the first day lesson start time.
※In the case of lesson of more than one day, we will not refund fee for the difference even if we can not participate in all schedules for your convenience.

Payment method

Bank transfer

In case of payment by bank transfer, reservation will be confirmed after payment is confirmed. Please bear the transfer fee by the customer.
■Designated transfer account 1 Bank name:八十二銀行 白馬支店 Account holder:白馬八方尾根スキースクール Account number:{普通預金}64535
■Designated transfer account 2 Bank name:ゆうちょ銀行 Account holder:白馬八方尾根スキースクール In case of transfer from another bank Store name:118 Store number:118 Account number:1584598 In case of transfer from Japan Post Bank 11150-15845981

Credit card

In our web reservation system, card numbers etc. are encrypted and transmitted by SSL encrypted communication, so you can use it relatively safely.

Convenience store settlement

After sending your order, please proceed to payment screen of convenience store settlement and proceed. Reservation will be confirmed after payment is confirmed.

About the handling of personal information


The school strives to protect personal information by strict observance of laws and other norms concerning the protection of personal information by all employees (including officers, temporary staff, part-time employees etc.).

Proper acquisition, use and provision of personal information

The school collects personal information in a proper manner and uses it within the range of purpose for which it is clearly specified beforehand. In addition, we will not provide information to third parties except when your consent is satisfied or when you meet the requirements stipulated by laws and regulations.

Safety management

We pay close attention to the management of personal information and take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, loss, falsification etc. In addition, in order to improve the knowledge and awareness of employees by improving knowledge and awareness of employees, and outsource the handling of personal information, review the entrusted parties, conduct necessary and appropriate supervision I will.

Disclosure of personal information to third parties

If personal information held by our school is requested to disclose, correct, and suspend use of the personal data, we will endeavor to respond promptly at the following window. If we decide not to comply with the request pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations, we will explain the reasons.

Provide personal information

We will not provide your personal information to third parties.

Continuous improvement of initiatives

We will make efforts to continuously improve efforts on personal information protection. Therefore, this protection policy may be changed without notice.

Inquiries about personal information

To disclose / correct, add or delete your personal information, please contact the following person in charge yourself. We will respond only if you can check if it is by ourselves. Please also contact the person in charge below regarding inquiries about personal information request, inquiries and our privacy policy.

Notation concerning Specified Commercial Transactions Law

Operating organization

Hakuba Happo-one Ski School

Operation supervisor
head teacher Yusuke Otani

3901, Hokujo, Hakuba-mura Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano, 399-9301, Japan

TEL 0261-72-2126 FAX 0261-72-6659 Email info@happo-ski.info

Terms and Conditions

Required fee other than booking fee – Please bear the transfer fee by transfer.

Expiration date of application 3 days before each lesson

Payment method
1 Bank transfer
2 Postal transfer

Payment deadline Please pay within 7 days after application and 3 days before lesson start date. If you do not pay within 7 days from application or 3 days before the lesson begins, we will cancel.

Cancellation conditions Regarding cancellation of the lesson, we count the day before the lesson day as one day ago and we will handle it as follows
1 Cancellation up to 3 days in advance ⇒ We will refund the full amount.
2 Cancellation up to 2 days before the day before ⇒ 50% of the amount will be refunded.
3 Cancellation on the day of holding ⇒ We receive the full amount and we will not refund you. Lesson The absence on that day will be canceled on the day. Weather refund on the day of the lesson, cancellation due to natural disaster lands will be refunded in full as an exception.
※We will refund the amount after deducting the transfer fee accompanying refund.
※Please be sure to contact the school in advance if you have a fever or poor physical condition, even if the lesson reservation date is within 3 days.
